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Azienda Dolciaria Innovativa Partenopea

Nata con la volontà di diffondere i sapori e le delizie della nostra terra attraverso un nuovo ed esclusivo prodotto dolciario artigianale: il Natu Babbà.


Il primo Babà senza bagna alcolica

Siamo una innovativa startup dolciaria partenopea ideatrice del progetto “NATU BABBÀ”, il primo babà al mondo senza bagna alcolica.

“NATU BABBÀ”, che nel dialetto napoletano significa “un altro babà”, nasce da una ricerca di mercato, durata oltre 2 anni, condotta presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria Gestionale dell’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI FEDERICO II.

Perché Mammmà?

Il nome “Mammmà” evoca non solo la napoletanità dei nostri prodotti dolciari, che custodiscono in sé genuinità e artigianalità, ma vuole anche trasmettere l’idea dei dolci preparati la domenica dalle mamme – da qui appunto il napoletano mammmà. È il mondo della pasticceria partenopea, delle lunghe storie familiari, delle ricette che coniugano le antiche tradizioni con le tendenze del momento. Ogni nostro prodotto diviene un “piezz’ ’e core” (pezzo di cuore) ed esprime tutto il calore che è parte integrante di Napoli.

Un prodotto che deve essere 100%

Artigianale, Naturale senza conservanti, Italiano:

Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g
Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g

Natu Babbà with pistachio and Sicilian pistachios 800g

Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts
Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts

Natu Babbà coated with milk chocolate and whole hazelnuts

Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts
Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts

Natu Babbà with dark chocolate and hazelnuts

Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate
Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate

Natu Babbà coated with white chocolate

Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g
Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g

Natu Babbà with peanuts and salted peanuts 800g

Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon
Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon

Box Natu Babbà 800g EASTER EDITION with lemon

Box 5 Mini Natu Babbà 110g
Box 5 Mini Natu Babbà 110g
Box 5 Mini Natu Babbà 110g
Box 5 Mini Natu Babbà 110g

Box 5 Mini Natu Babbà 110g


Perché è differente dal classico dolce partenopeo?

“Natu Babbà”, pur conservando la classica forma del dolce napoletano, ha la morbidezza di un panettone e l’aromatico retrogusto del tradizionale babà, senza essere imbevuto nella “bagna alcolica”, così da essere apprezzabile a una più vasta categoria di consumatori.

  • Periodo di conservazione molto più lungo ne consente la spedizione in tutto il mondo.

A maggio 2021 il progetto ha ricevuto il premio di ricerca “Antonio Falconio 2021” per lamiglior impresa innovativa all’Innovation Village, il network sull’innovazione promosso da “Knowledge For Business” e co-organizzato con Sviluppo Campania, Enea – Enterprise Europe Network e Tecup, con il supporto della Regione Campania per lo sviluppo delle imprese innovative.

Natu Babbà.jpg__PID:3a4c5f66-ca13-4fd2-a395-b513d886bde7

La nostra missione e i nostri punti di forza

Mammmà vuole far conoscere in tutti i paesi del mondo la cultura partenopea per condividere quel senso di appartenenza proprio dei napoletani.

L’utilizzo delle tre “M” accentua inoltre il legame del nostro marchio con la tradizione e la storia della nostra terra. La nostra produzione dolciaria avviene in laboratori artigianali di pasticceria, in cui utilizziamo soltanto materie prime italiane, sapientemente selezionate e miscelate.

Abbiamo deciso di offrire ai nostri clienti un prodotto innovativo che si distingua dai dolci presenti sul mercato, che abbia tutto il sapore del dolce fatto in casa.

“Natu Babbà” è il nostro prodotto di punta: pesa circa 800 gr. e viene ricoperto con glassature: al cioccolato bianco e pezzettoni di albicocche Pellecchielle del Vesuvio, al pistacchio e pistacchi di Sicilia, alle arachidi e arachidi salate, al cioccolato fondente e granella di nocciola, al cioccolato al latte e nocciole intere.

La produzione di Mammmà ti offre, oltre a un’ampia scelta di creme spalmabiliconfetture e creme proteiche realizzate con ingredienti di primissima qualità 100% italiani:

Non solo babbà: i nostri prodotti dolciari

Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread
Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread

Sorrento Lemon Cream Spread

Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts

Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts

Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios
Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios

Pistachio Cream Spread with 45% Pistachios

Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts
Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts

Gianduia Cream spread with 20% roasted hazelnuts

Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread
Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread

Pistachio and Hazelnut Cream Spread

White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread
White Chocolate Cream Spread

White Chocolate Cream Spread

Salted Caramel Cream 250G
Salted Caramel Cream 250G
Salted Caramel Cream 250G
Salted Caramel Cream 250G
Salted Caramel Cream 250G
Salted Caramel Cream 250G

Salted Caramel Cream 250G

Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts
Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts

Hazelnut Cream Spread with 45% Hazelnuts

White Hazelnut Cream 30g
White Hazelnut Cream 30g
White Hazelnut Cream 30g
White Hazelnut Cream 30g
White Hazelnut Cream 30g
White Hazelnut Cream 30g

White Hazelnut Cream 30g

White Hazelnut Cream 250g
White Hazelnut Cream 250g
White Hazelnut Cream 250g
White Hazelnut Cream 250g
White Hazelnut Cream 250g
White Hazelnut Cream 250g

White Hazelnut Cream 250g


Tutti i nostri dolci sono uniti da un unico filo conduttore:

Il Made in Campania

he bought